General Information
- [Renewal] My account page
- [Page guide] Place an order
- [Page guide] Modify account information
- [Page guide] Membership number
- [Page guide] Address book
- [Page guide] Orders awaiting payment
- Can I ask to have my account closed?
- Can I have more than one account?
- Create an AmiAmi account
- I can't log into my account.
- I forgot my password. How do I reset it?
- I want to change the email address registered to my account. What should I do?
About Items' Status
- Can you let me know when an item I want is back in stock?
- Can you tell me if/when you will sell an item I am interested in?
- I want an item that I don't see on your website. Can you get it for me?
- What is a Back-order?
- What is a Provisional Pre-order?
- What is a Tentative Pre-order?
Pre-Owned Items
- Where do you get your pre-owned items?
- How do I know if an item is pre-owned or new?
- Can I get a photo/additional description of the actual item?
- Why was this item given a certain condition rating?
- What are the chances of receiving a bootleg item?
- Why is the price of a pre-owned item more/less than a new item?
Order Questions
- My order was split because of a change in release date, can you re-combine the orders?
- Why does my order not show up on my account?
- What can I do if I want to use more than 2 addresses?
- I ordered the wrong item! What can I do?
- I can't find the order I wish to cancel.
- How Can I Request Order Cancellation?