Note: Beta release May 20th - June 3rd
At this page you can update your customer information, and change your account settings. To make any changes, fill in the details that you wish to change and press "Save changes" at the bottom of the page. You will then be taken to a confirmation page, where you can review the changes, and if everything is correct, press "Confirm" to update the details on your account.
The only information that can not be changed on this page is the email address associated with your account. If you wish to update your email address, then please contact out customer support team.
You can update your name and customer address here. Please note that your customer address is also used as your default shipping address when placing new orders, so please make sure that your customer address is complete and up to date. If you move to a new address and change your customer address, please keep in mind that only new orders will be set your your new shipping address. For updating current orders on your account, please update the orders through the Modify existing orders page.
Your gender and birthdate information can also be updated as necessary.
You can change settings for showing or hiding images of adult rated goods on our website. The selection is based on the Japanese standard of adult rated goods. Please keep in mind that according to Japanese rules, you need to be above the age of 18 to purchase these kind of goods. If the age restriction rules are different in your country, then please make sure that you are also above the minimum age according to the rules in your country as well.
"Combine by month" is a setting for automatically combining new orders to current orders on your account. This setting will not combine current orders with other current orders on your account, which you instead can do through the Combine orders page. If you have multiple orders from the same month, then we recommend to select the orders to combine, instead of using "Combine by month", so that you have better control over which orders that are combined.
To update your password, please fill in your new password in the "Password" field, and confirm it by filling in the same password in the "Confirm new password" field. The password will be updated when you save the changes. If you forget your password, please follow the instructions on the following page to reset your password.
*Do not create a new account, as users are not allowed to register multiple accounts.
The last thing that you can change on this page is the credit card details associated with your account.
Remember to click on "Save changes" if you have made any changes, and "Confirm" the changes on the review page.
How do I update my email address?
How can I have a shipping address different from my customer address?
I updated my customer address, why are my orders still set to be shipped to my old address?
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