If you mistakenly placed an order, or know that you will not be able to complete your purchase, then you can submit a cancellation request through this page. Please note that you are only submitting a "cancellation request", which may be rejected if your request contains items that are not eligible for cancelation. The request will be reviewed by our staff, and we will notify you within 1 business day of the result.
Please also understand that our store does not allow for "placeholder orders", so if any misuse of the cancellation request system and/or excessive cancellations are detected, your account may be subject to restrictions.
COVID-19 note: Currently, due to COVID-19, cancellation requests on this page for in-stock items are also accepted, until further notice. (Update 2023-06-29)
Start by selecting the month for the order that you wish to submit a cancellation request, the month is determined based on the release date for pre-order items, and the order date for in-stock items.
Secondly, select the order containing the item you wish to cancel. For orders marked as "Processing..." the order is currently awaiting to be checked by our staff, and it is currently not possible to submit a cancellation request for the order. This is usually because you have already submitted a cancellation request for the order, so please wait for us to process your request before submitting another cancelation request for these orders. Cancellation requests can be made for full orders or selected items from the order, which you can specify on the next page, see instructions below.
You can select "Select all" if you wish to cancel all of the items in the order, or specify individual items by filling the checkboxes for the items you wish to cancel. Please keep in mind that if you have ordered "QTY: 2" or more of a certain item, then all the quantity will be canceled when submitting a cancellation request. Please contact our support if you need assistance with only cancelling some of the items in this case.
We also require customers to provide a reason for why they wish to cancel the order/items, the reason will not be used for determine if a request will be accepted or not, so please always provide an accurate cancellation reason, and as long as your request is in accordance with our cancellation policy, we will cancel the requested items.
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