Regrettably, once an order is placed, modifications to the contents of the order are not possible.
However, if your order includes an item that qualifies for cancellation, you may submit a cancellation request for that specific item and proceed to place a new order for the item you prefer instead.
Please note that items that may be cancelled include:
- Pre-ordered items, provided the cancellation is made before their release date
- In-stock items at the time the order was placed
Conversely, items that cannot be cancelled include:
- Pre-ordered items that have already been invoiced
- Back-order items
While cancellation is a provision we offer, it's important to understand that an item's eligibility for cancellation does not entail that there are no ramifications. Repeated cancellation requests could potentially lead to certain restrictions on your account.
Should you need any assistance or have further inquiries, our support team is at your disposal.
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