There are several possible reasons for your order being canceled:
Our emails did not reach you.
Please make sure you have provided us with a valid email address and that you can receive emails from our domain ( without being blocked by your ISP / spam filter / email application.
Smooth email exchanges are essential to complete your transaction.
We asked you to do something to finalize your order but didn't get any reply.
For example, if your name or shipping address was displayed in garbled characters on our side, or when we think you might have accidentally double-ordered (receiving two identical orders overnight), we will email you to confirm before proceeding with your order. Your order will be canceled after a certain period if we do not receive any reply.
There is an unsettled case with your previous order.
We cannot accept orders from customers with outstanding problems on previous orders. You will be able to order again once the problem has been resolved.
The product's release itself has been canceled, or we experienced a sudden supply shortage due to problems on the manufacturer's or distributor's side.
In such cases, customers will be notified. We sincerely apologize and ask for a kind understanding on the matter.
Your order has been determined to exceed store Purchase Limits.
In order to protect our customers and make sure that all customers have a fair chance to purchase the items they want, a Purchase Limit is placed for some high-demand items. If it is determined that an account has ordered items beyond the stated purchase limits, any items exceeding the purchase limit will be canceled and the account holder will be notified. Customers repeatedly exceeding the Purchase Limit may have their account closed and their open orders canceled. Please be advised that shipped items are also counted within the Purchase Limit unless noted on the product page.
You ordered an item that cannot be shipped outside Japan.
Flammable items, such as paints, thinners and spray cans cannot be shipped via airmail, and therefore cannot be shipped internationally. Certain items in our store, including but not limited to furniture and model firearms, cannot be shipped internationally. Any items ineligible for international shipment will be canceled from an order.
- We are unable to accept orders from you.
We are unable to accept orders from customers whose account has been permanently closed.
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