Thank you for always using AmAmi.
Due to the continuing corona virus outbreak, we previously extended the payment deadline of payment requests sent for orders after April 30th to 2 months after the first invoice.
Starting from September 1st, we will gradually reduce the payment deadline time back to seven days in the following way:
Orders invoiced any time before and on October 24th will have their payment deadline set to October 31st.
After October 24th, the time for payment will be back to 7 days, meaning the payment deadline for orders invoiced on October 25th will be November 1st and so on.
Please contact our support staff if you have any questions regarding this change by clicking on the top of the screen on "submit a request"
1 comment
Thanks to your extended deadline time I managed to keep paying most of my orders on time rather than cancelling everything. A very helpful aid during the hard time everybody had thanks to COVID's outbreak. It's understandable for you to try getting back payments deadline to normal because as a business you must do what it takes to keep running. I will try to keep up on paying my remaining others for the rest of the year. It will be tougher now but it's understandable. I hope if we ever need to request more time to pay you can understand. As customers we are trying to honor the preorders we placed on your store.
Hopefully you can come up with a temporary shipping alternative to Japan Post for countries where DHL is not an alternative or it's too expensive, such as the Premium Surface Mail alternative for United States.
Than you, for something you are my favorite store
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